In this week's Family Friday, you will make a paper mache earth. After reading about the earth in our Earth and Sky A-E, you will get a little messy with this fun arts and crafts project!

What you need:
- A balloon
- Strips of newspaper 1-2 inches wide
- 1 cup of flour
- Water
- Small bowl
- Blue and green paint
Step 1
Open up your Footsteps2Brilliance App, and go to Level 2 (Yellow). In Earth and Sky, find the book Earth and Sky A-E. Read the book and be sure to touch the illustrations to see the pictures come alive!

Step 2
Mix half a cup of flour with half a cup of water. It should look like cake batter. Add more flour or water as needed.
Step 3
Blow up and tie the balloon to the size you want your earth to be. Place it on the small bowl.

Step 4
Dip the newspaper in to the flour mix. Using your fingers, evenly coat the newspaper and remove any extra mix. You do not want it to be dripping.
Place the strips on the balloon.
Cover the entire balloon in newspaper and let it dry.
Step 5
When it is dry, repeat steps 1 and 4 to make a second layer.
Let the second layer dry completely.

Step 6
Using scissors, carefully pop and remove the ballon.

Step 7
Finally, paint the globe. You can find a map here for reference.
Let the paint dry and you are ready to proudly display your creation in your home!
To make your globe extra cool, label the continents or mark where you live!