We are excited to announce a whole new book series in Level 1 that celebrates our Spanish-speaking students and families. Presented in their native Spanish with a delightful English translation, the Traditional Spanish Songbooks series provides a wonderful opportunity to enrich students’ oral language.

Leveraging music and rhythm, the Traditional Spanish Songbooks are designed to develop our youngest students’ oral language. Our brains are wired to learn through music. The rhythm and rhyme in songs and nursery rhymes has a powerful effect on cognition—enabling children to develop fluent oral language and awareness of sounds long before they are able to read. By singing along, children enrich their vocabulary and create a foundation for future reading success.
Each book in this series includes the English and Spanish songbooks, games to practice comprehension, vocabulary, and rhyming, and Create-a-Book where students can create their own variation of the book. The titles include:
Diez pequeños elefantes
(Ten Little Elephants)
Practice counting up to 10 with elephants swinging on a spider’s web.
Don Gato
Learn a humorous ballade about a debonaire cat and his girlfriend.
Cucú cantaba la rana
(Cuckoo Sang the Frog)
Sing along to a sweet lullaby about a singing frog
Yo tenia diez perritos
(The Ten Puppies)
Count down from 10 as puppies disappear in humorous ways.
Pin Pón
Learn a Spanish folksong about a cardboard doll that comes to life.
Los pollitos
(The Little Chicks)
Sing along about how a mother hen takes good care of her little chicks.
La cucaracha
(The Cockroach)
Sing and dance along to the traditional cockroach song.
Las calaveras salen de sus tumas
(The Skeletons Leave Their Tombs)
Practice reading hours on the clock with the help of silly skeletons.
Brinca la tablita
(Jump Over the Board)
Chant along to a popular children’s hopscotch game.
Good way of learning